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“Our pet emergencies only ever seem to occur in the middle of the night or when we are far from help. Knowing what to do in times like that requires a lot of preparation, skill and practice. The skills I learned from taking a pet first aid course have been invaluable for me and my dog. BARK wants nothing more than to keep our dogs safe and happy, and they are making it happen! 

Nora Maguire, AB

Mark Parsons, BC

"Last summer, I evacuated my home with my dog and cats due to a wildfire. We received little notice before the evacuation order was given and I am so grateful I had an evacuation plan in place that included my babies. I would not have been able to pull that off without knowing what to do ahead of time. BARK resources helped me make sense of how important it is to plan ahead for the worst cast scenarios"

"My dog Max comes everywhere with me, including places that can be downright dangerous at times. I'll admit it was just a matter of time before something happened that I was unprepared for. Sure enough, we had an emergency this summer that caught me totally off guard - without any first aid supplies, I felt helpless and like I had let my best friend down.

I recognize now just how unsafe it was of me to be in these places without the right gear. Now, I bring my BARK Field Kit with me every day and I urge all dog owners to do the same. The kit is well designed, water proof and fits in Max's doggie backpack. It just makes sense."

Roger Marshall, RPF


Eden Hardcastle, BC

In an industry that exists almost exclusively in the bush, forestry boasts an apathetic and lacklustre approach to the safety of the fairly large representation of dogs that are permitted in most bush camps. Companies condone having dogs brought to camp, and all but refuse to provide any infrastructure to ensure that they are kept as safe and healthy as their owners. It is well understood that the wellbeing of the dog is the responsibility of the owner; however, there lacked a straightforward way for owners to ensure their animals’ safety out on the block or in camp - which is the niche that Celine was able to target with BARK.
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